Each year memories inspire thousands of people to return to the Salmo River Watershed to celebrate life and reunite with family.
Because of historical wrongs, each year thousands of Salmon are prevented from returning home to the Salmo River.
Together we could make it right.
Obstacles to Salmon returning home:
- 4 Hydro-electric Dams
- Government, corporate and general complacency
- Lack of public awareness and financial support

Respecting and honouring Canada’s First Nations and US Tribes lead to reintroduce Salmon to the Upper Columbia River Basin, we are the Salmo River’s ONLY registered not-for-profit, charitable organization, the Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society (SWSS).
SWSS is working to return Salmon to the Salmo River.
By donating to SWSS you will help us:
- Advocate for Decision-Makers to overcome barriers preventing the Return of Salmon to the Salmo River
- Continue to Advocate for the Cleanup of Historic Mine Tailings in the Salmo River Watershed; (so far: 2 sites remediated!)
- Establish a Native Plant Nursery to grow trees, shrubs and other plants for use in riparian (riverbank) remediation and wetlands restoration
- Connect with more people who can help make this happen!
Subscribe to the SWSS mailing list and we will share our current and future plans for bringing the Salmon home and let you know how you can help.

To learn more about the Salmo River visit the SWSS website. You will find everything from Water Quality Reports to inspiring success stories. Written in 2000, the Inventory of Mining Tailings and Ponds in the Salmo River Watershed is providing a pathway for dealing with the toxic legacy of the mining industry.
Learn about Bull Trout, the largest fish currently living in the Salmo River, and all the work SWSS is doing to save this threatened species.
Thank you for your support. We can’t Imagine Salmon without you!